first things first. Tdub is deployed. :( He left June 4th for Kuwait. This is approx. a 4 1/2 month deployment, said to be back mid-October. Still a long time, but could be worse, so I am thankful it is not any longer than that. a little more than 5 wks have passed since he left, and we are doing pretty good. It's harder to be apart some days more than others, the time sometimes goes by slow, there are moments we are missing in one another's lives, but we are so grateful to the person that invented Skype! To be able to talk, laugh together, and see each others faces is a wonderful and precious thing and will make these next few pass a tiny bit faster. We know this separation is for a season and with great purpose and we are trying to make the most of it, looking forward to the day we will be reunited! pray for him if you think of it, for his safety and that he would be encouraged, for us and that the time will go by fast! thanks.
a couple shots of us the day before he left, and him in his fancy new flight suit...not the funnest color, but at least he blends in with the sand while he's building sandcastles or whatever he does out there ;)...
ice cream and chi-hi down by the river
story time with cutie grandma in the park
sake brewery and beer garden. delightful!
I've been busy since the Dubs left. my two college friends, came to visit! it was perfect timing after the deployment began. we had tons of fun gallivanting all over Tokyo! a week after they left, I got my camp fix. I went to a summer youth camp here in Japan (yeah, i know. who would have thought?!?!) and got the honor of being the speaker for the week of the middle schoolers camp session. (don't worry, they speak English. :) It was so fun to get to know them and hear their stories. Most of these kiddos have lived in Japan their whole life and some have never even traveled to visit the States. Some of their parents are missionaries, some work in Japan, teach English, they all had a really cool, different story, I felt quite boring in comparison as the girl who's lived in TX her whole life and lived a fairly normal "American" life. Joy Bible Camp was completely different then what I'm used to at LLYC in the TX hill country, but so sweet to see camping ministry and fun happening all over the globe. really thankful for the experience and for new friends that shared their story with me and welcomed me in.
My last two weeks have been spent in the terminal here at Yokota. everyone in Japan is trying to get a military hop outta here...definition = a free ride back to the states. I thought it would be easy for me to get a ride being that I'm only one person, but no luck. Tried for 8 different times/planes. and needless to say...I'm still here in Japan. bit the bullet and bought a commercial ticket last night. Just a few things I am looking forward too: seeing all my TX peeps - family, friends, LLYC, debated putting this as my #1 - chick-fil-A, one of my very best friends, Sally is tie-ing the knot in August, get to see my brother's new house he just bought (yes, he's a grown up), trying on clothes at Target (since Japanese clothes were made for, well, Japanese girls...tiny), spend time doing nothing at the lake, driving down the street and being able to read the signs, ordering at a restaurant and knowing what I ordered, queso and much more...
Texas, hold 'em. 'til Wednesday. I'll see you then.
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